There’s nobody in this world that cannot start a blog.
Everyone’s got their story.
Many people write blogs for spreading ideas, products, services, news, and real information with also the fake one.
A blog allows people to read what the other individual is saying. It helps to clear thoughts and issues surrounding the topic.
As the number of online posting of blogs increased, those blog writers started to earn money.
However, you must know that writers do not earn straightway by writing and posting a blog. It is the content in their topic (and lots of patience) that makes things easy for them to win big.
In this blog, you will learn the way to begin a blog and how to channel that blog to earn $1000 per month.
Now, if you are ready, then let’s rock.
There are some steps to blog correctly. If you follow them, you will learn all about blogging in less than five minutes.
- Choose Blog Category
- Give Authentic Name to Your Blog (related to the subject/topic)
- Register the Blog (Buy Domain and Web Hosting)
- Choose Blog Platform
- Install Blogging software
- Design Blog
- Customize Blog
- How to Write Your First Blog
- Post and Publish Blog (length is not necessary, but the information is)
- Promote blog (by sharing)
- Earn from Blog Posts (Use options to monetize your blog)
Selecting Blog Category
While choosing a category for the blog, many people are sure about things they will write, and so can fit their blog in the perfect class.
Others, who are unsure, can go through the following list to see the kinds of the category fitting their topic.
- Sports
- Politics
- Education
- Music
- Business
- Engineering
- Economics
- Gaming
- Law
- Environment
- Cooking & Food
- Technology
- Design
- Family
- History
- Parenthood
- Photography
- Life experiences
- Shopping
- Movie
- Entertainment
- Celebrities
- Jokes and Humor
- Religion
- Wedding
- Beginner’s guide
- Overcoming illness
- Products and service reviews
- Global warming
- Travel experiences
- Charity
- Activism
- Personal Stories
- Myths
- Animals
- Real estate
- Automobiles
- Science
- Nature
Choosing from the above lot, and whole more will surely find you the topic of your choice. Also, try to write on other categories. Doing so will help you improve your writing and knowledge in different subjects of the world.
How to Choose a Blog Name
A blog name is the one that can instantly connect to the people searching for its information.
Some blogs easily attract readers just by its name.
Catchy names are cool but do not overdo it to lose the overall value of a blog post.
Even though you have written a post excellently, but its title is awkward, then only the supernatural can help.
Most people like ordinary things. So using a valid name is enough to achieve your goal.
Advised is to use a name that is easy to
- Pronounce
- Write
- Remember
Do Not Use
- Long Words
- Hyphens
- Numbers
- Spaces
Once you set your blog name, next, you need to buy an extension for your blog name.
Extensions include
- .com
- .net
- .org
- Country wise extensions like .ca for Canada
Most preferred is .com, but you can choose others.
Cost of Domain
Domain charges are not expensive.
You can have one at just $10 a year (excluding additional features) from the hosting companies.
Hosting is necessary that allows your blog view-ability to other internet users.
One hosting company that is recommended by almost everyone is Bluehost, a worldwide renowned company that offers cheap hosting. You can see the pricing for better understanding.
Eventually, you can buy the extra features, but no need to have them, especially when you are new to the blogging world.
List of Blogging Platforms
Of course, you need a platform to write your stories.
Top blogging platforms in business are
- WordPress
- Blogger(platform of google)
- Wix
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Weebly
- Typepad
- Magento
- Tumblr
- Medium
- Ghost
- Squarespace
You can use any of the above blogging software. Each has a free version.
However, there are problems in using free blogging platforms.
- The domain name or web address is long.
- You cannot show third-party advertisements on your blog due to the long name, making it challenging to earn money.
- You have less control over the blog.
- It can be shut down at any time.
About WordPress
WordPress has its types.
Both of them are downloadable from their respective extension sites.
After downloading, upload, and install it on your managed web server.
The setup is like a walk in the park. You can arrange all the settings in a few minutes. is a self-hosted version that suits
- Bloggers wanting to monetize their blog
- Commercial businesses wishing to add a blog to their existing website
- Hobby writers
You can make your blog visually attractive through the available free themes in the official WordPress directory. Paid templates are also present.
Also, to add useful functionality to your WordPress blog, there are plugins and extensions for the same. Over 40000 free plugins are available in its official directory. is the opposite of the .org version, where you use it just for the writing purpose and no monetizing. has hundreds of themes to make your blog look casual and professional. If you use their premium plans, then you get many customization options.
This version suits
- Hobby writers
- Individuals who do not want to spend money
- Writers who do not care about the sub-domain structures
About Bluehost
At present, Bluehost hosts more than 2 million blogs and websites.
They register your blog name without any charges to ensure no one else buys the same name.
Their customer support is outstanding, available 24/7 on phone or chat.
If you are unsatisfied with their service, they will return your money.
Bluehost offers a simple WordPress installation. Read the instructions below.
Getting Started on Bluehost
Go to the official website of Bluehost and click on GET STARTED NOW box on the homepage.
After clicking, you will come on the pricing page to select a plan.
Post selecting a plan; you will come on the domain selection page that will ask you to choo se between options to either create a domain or use your own.
By clicking next, the registration page will appear requiring you to fill the particulars.
Post entering your details, the page will show you to select the monthly and yearly hosting packages with extras to buy.
All packages will generally have the following features.
- Free domain name
- WordPress blog installation
- Web hosting
- Branded email accounts
If you want results to come right from the start then recommended is to self-host a blog with Bluehost.
Best Blogging Software – WordPress
WordPress is the best blogging software. It is sturdy, user-friendly, and free.
No technical knowledge is required to work with WordPress.
If you are looking for an alternative for WordPress, then that will cost you a lot.
In WordPress, you get to choose from the thousands of free plugins to modify your blog.
Now read the easy guide on how to install, design, customize, and optimize your WordPress Blog.
After having your domain and hosting account, log in. You will see a box of icons. Click on the “Install WordPress” icon.
Next, a box displaying Do It Yourself with options will appear. Click the Install button from the table.
Another box with the Check Domain button will appear — press Enter.
The final box will ask for your confirmation on the terms and conditions.
That’s it; you have a fully operational blog.
How to Design a WordPress Blog
WordPress has plenty of themes. The simple Theme will look like this.
And the fancy ones will make your blog shine like a star.
To change the Theme of your blog, you need to log in to your WordPress admin panel.
The dashboard will show its numerous features that may confuse you at the beginning.
However, you will find those features most comfortable while working.
To install a theme, go to the top of the dashboard to the Appearance option. Placing your cursor on Appearance, a drop-down of options will come. Click the Theme from the drop-down for the standard themes.
Else, click on the Add New button above for installing a flashy theme.
WordPress has a Feature Filter option to have a theme based on your topic. The filter feature option will display a category list.
After seeing many of the themes and being satisfied with your choice, click on the Install button.
Post installation, click the Activate Button.
Read More About Top WordPress Themes
How to Customize WordPress Blog
WordPress blog has many customization options.
For starters, we will work with the basics.
There are many Plugins in WordPress to add functionality to your blog.
The Plugins can assist in building contact forms, forums, and sliders.
To work with the plugins, you need to click the “Customize” button on your active Theme.
A menu option will open up on the left-hand side. In it, you need to select the Site Identity option.
Here, you have to give the title and tagline to your blog. After doing so, click on the Save and Publish Button.
How to Optimize WordPress Blog
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method to make websites appear on top of search engines for particular keywords searches.
If your website is visible on top, then you can build lots of network and money.
If you are unaware of SEO, then a WordPress blog helps in optimizing your website.
For SEO, you need to have engaging material for the people to appreciate. With relevant images, text, and videos on your blog, you can develop a good relationship with real people.
To get started with SEO, scroll down to the Plug-ins.
A drop down will come and enter on the Add New option.
Search for Yoast SEO in the top search bar, which will show up first.
Click on the Install now button displayed by its side.
After completing the installation, click the Activate button.
Now you will have a new SEO click-in on the sidebar with Yoast icon on top. Gain access to Yoast SEO plug-in settings by clicking between the two.
The Yoast dashboard will open. First, go to the Your Info menu and set up the necessary details.
Fill the essential particulars and move to the Webmaster Tools menu.
Choose Google Search Console for submitting your site to their search index (which allows making your website visible in google). You will be asked to sign in to your Google or Gmail account.
After signing-in (webmaster console), select the Alternate Methods tab and select an HTML tag under it.
Selecting the HTML tab, a Meta code string will appear. Just copy it without the quotation marks.
Come back to the Yoast (Google Search Console) and paste the string on it.
Next, click on the Verify option. On verifying, you will have a world of data and keyword phrases to rank, errors, etc.
Now go the General tab in (Yoast SEO) and click on the Open Installation Wizard. A page of steps to be followed will show up.
First Step is a Welcome Screen.
- In the second step, you have to select between three options on the Environment. Choose Production one.
- The third step of the Site Type page will allow you to again choose between options. Select the Blog option.
- The fourth step was asked already on the Metadata page, where you need to choose between Company and Person. As per your previous selection, move ahead.
- In the fifth step, you have to add your social media profiles related to your blog.
- In the sixth step, you have to choose the type of Visibility for your post. Select the appropriate option and go to the next level.
- The seventh step will give the option to select between a solo and multiple authors. The possibilities are changeable.
- Step eight allows you the Yoast SEO plug-in to pull data from the Google search console. A pop-up will display asking your confirmation to access the Google Search console.
- Click on the “Get Google Authorization Code” button.
- The ninth step will verify your website name. Also, you have to choose the title separator. The title separator separates the blog post title and website name. This separation helps Google to find your blog when searched.
- The final step displays a congratulatory message on the successful optimization of your SEO settings.
Now set up Permalinks.
Permalinks are the hyperlinks that connect to a blog post or page. WordPress sets these links to by default.
Permalink needs proper fixing. So, on the left-hand sidebar go to the Settings and select Permalinks from the drop-down. You will see in the permalink settings an option Post Name, tick it and save.
Now before entering the realm of writing a blog, let us recollect and tick on the things we have done till now.
® Chose Blog category
® Gave a name to Blog
® Purchased Domain and Web Hosting
® Installed Blog
® Designed Blog
® Customized Blog
® Optimized website for Search Engine crawling
How to Write Your First (Blog) Topic
On completion of the technical Blog settings above, you now get back to the ultimate goal of writing your first blog.
Before beginning to write, you must conclude:
- What sort of information or topic do people prefer?
- How many people search for it?
- What are the related terms or phrases or keywords used while searching for the topic?
- Will your blog match the taste of people?
- Will it connect with the reader’s emotions, likings, disliking, etc.?
- And many more questions you can add.
By the time you complete your research, you may have thousands of ideas to write.
Your post may include personal experiences, passions, internet information etc.
Recommended for new writers is to see what others have already written on your topic. By doing so, the newbie can add more information on the issue. Also, you will learn how to structure content with the use of pictures, videos, links, and more.
How to Post and Publish Blog
On scrolling to the POST option of the WordPress dashboard, you will see on the right-hand side an ADD NEW box. Clicking on it will lead you to the editor page to write the content title and its body.
On top of the body section, you can see a lot of editing tools and particulars. These tools help in making subheadings, bullets, alignment, etc. to your site blogs.
First, enter the Title in the top text box. Post creating the title you can see, a permalink generated just below the title box. You can edit it as you like.
Next is the body to type in your main content.
Use images, videos by clicking on the top Add Media button below the title box. Next, the Insert media page will display to upload your image. Inserting the media, you can see how it looks.
After writing your blog, now is the time to make SEO changes with the help of Yoast SEO. Just below the content body box, you will have a search engine snippet preview, which you need to edit it to make it easily viewable on search engines.
The editable parts include
- SEO Title
- Slug
- Meta Description
- Focus Keyword
The above parts will appear red. You have to make them Green. The overall percentage of color will show. Try achieving a score of 80% if you are unable to make every item green.
If you want your blog to have a thumbnail, then select the Set Featured image on the right side bottom. A media insert page will come to upload the image.
You can now click on the Preview option on the top right side to see how the whole blog looks.
Before entering the Publish button besides Preview, re-check the following.
- Content has a reading flow or conversational tone.
- Content has breathing space for an easy read.
- Content has proper Headings to separate sections.
- Bullets used.
- Check for grammatical and spelling errors.
- Correct the Meta Description and Focus Keyword.
If you are satisfied with everything, then click on the Publish button.
A COMING SOON option will display post publishing your blog.
If you want to make your blog public, click on the Bluehost menu present on the left-hand side of your administrator area. A LAUNCH YOUR SITE box will display to make your blog LIVE.
Congratulations, you now know how to publish blogs.
How to Promote Blog
Publishing a blog is just a start.
You need to have readers to appreciate or criticize your blog. And those readers won’t appear by magic.
You need to put some effort into promoting your love.
Nowadays, the fundamental way of getting readers is through posting a blog link to social media.
Even if you know their names, I will still post it.
Trending social media is Face book and Twitter.
Not only your friends will see the link, but they will share it with others after finding your blog interesting.
You will have an advantage if you already have a considerable following.
Having a considerable number of followers is not necessary to make your blog receive visitors (traffic).
Only if your content is original and of high quality, then chances of your blog going viral are more.
If you get a good following on your first post, then you surely want your readers to come back for more.
Now is the role of email marketing, which is another big topic to understand.
As they comment on your blog, you will have their email addresses to notify them about the next post or something new.
Also, you can develop a relationship with your readers in this manner.
Another way to promote a blog is by
- Guest Posting
- Forum posting
- Paid posting or Advertisements
- Comment posting
- Referral Linking
Here is a detailed post about link building.
How to Earn from Blog
Post promotion and having readers, now making money from your blog is secure.
Many ways to earn money is by
- Selling your products and services
- Getting paid to write reviews of third party products on your blog
- Selling advertising space to third-party advertisers
- Affiliate Marketing
Only if your blog is popular and has readers coming back time and again, will you be able to earn from your blog.
Your popularity will make the advertisers run after your blog.
One way is to use Google Adsense, where Google finds the advertisers for you.
All you need to do is place the Google Adsense code on your blog so that advertisements can run.
Starting a blog is never difficult. The hard work is your content.
The Internet is growing like a real world, which is ready to offer you a load of money worth your service.
Obstacles will sure be part of the process to make you quit. The rewards will come if you stay for long. But, it is only up to you to go forward with your passion.
Remember everything achieved is by making a difference.
I hope the above has given you what you wanted.