Video Marketing – Best SEO Practice in 2025

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Video Marketing – One of the best SEO practices in 2025

With the boost in the online business rivalry these days, every businessman seeks new directions that are imaginative and innovative, to engage the audience and also to increase the conversion rate. In recent years, Video Marketing has totally taken over the online marketing campaigns, especially during the lock down, and has proven to be highly profitable. It has been proven after various surveys that online websites which have integrated videos on their homepage have shown an increase in conversion rate by 800%.
Why Video marketing


As you can see from the picture above, it is evident from studies that only 20% of auditory input is registered by human beings. Visually, we retain about 30% of all the information that is available to us. But if you combine them both, a promising 70% of the information is remembered by our brains naturally. Video inputs regarding a product make use of this phenomenon and makes the product more concrete in the minds of the audiences.

Why Video Marketing

Here are the top reasons why Video Marketing has become the superstar of online marketing and should be incorporated in your online business promotion strategy as well.

1. SEO Advantages

It is a well known fact that the Google’s search engine guidelines state that the content or websites with rich information helps your website get a higher rank in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). Videos directly affect your website’s search engine rankings and it has been proven by surveys that having videos can increase your website’s chances of being displayed on first page of search engine by 53%. Google owns YouTube which adds to the advantage videos and everyone is aware that videos are mostly shown in the top search engine results nowadays.

2. Eye-Catching and Understandable

Videos are far more accessible and mentally enticing than any written content. Video content is popular because of its time saving advantages and translation access. People of all ages, from babies to senior citizens, can enjoy videos. Even the illiterate population can find their place and can be accommodated into the business marketing.

3. Better Customer Engagement

Videos are the most engaging things present online today. It has been proven by a lot of surveys that videos are watched more than the text is read. Engaging the customers through a short and appealing video can easily help you get higher rates of conversion and turn visitors into leads.

4. Epidemic Nature

Videos have the potential to get shared and become viral as people tend to share and re-share videos more than other forms of content, on chat as well as media platforms. Videos can make it effortless for you to convey your business vision, information, goals, products info and services details favourably to a larger audience footing.

5.  More Relatable

Videos can create a better logical and emotional connection with the consumers rather than textual data. There are many traits of a video which can create a personal connection with audience to compel them towards checking out the products. These attributes include voice, facial expressions, representation and background music etc. This can easily make customers feel enthusiastic towards the products, hence boosting the odds of conversion.

What’s Next?

The future of video marketing is wide open and the websites that offer exclusively video content are in the rise. Applications like Tik Tok, Vigo Video and Helo are cashing in on the billions of subscribers that regularly update their content. Some foreseen trends that will be seen as far as video marketing is concerned, are as follows:

  1. Video-centred Platforms

The applications and websites dedicated to video content only, will be seen prominently online. Businesses acting as video sponsors and product advertisements in video will be seen more and more.

  1. Bite-sized Content

As the trends change, we will see a lot of video content that serves a multitude of interests and activities, it will be crucial to keep the average attention span in mind and cater accordingly. Bite-sized video content like short films will be popular soon and will see most investments from sponsors.

  1. Short Video Formatting

The differential social media needs and mediums will continue to influence the formatting of videos in the coming time. Facebook videos that fit the square and elongated videos for Instagram live have carved their own niche and we will be sure to see more innovations in that field.

  1. The Need for Multi-lingual platforms

The widespread popularity of videos that cross the geographical boundaries have made clear the need of translation and sub-titles inherently placed in videos. A universal design and multi linguistic functionality will be pre-put in upcoming video content.

  1. The DIY Provision

The most interesting thing about the currently popular video applications like Tik Tok is their attribute of providing individual customization to the users. They can produce, edit and add music to their own videos and even run their own mixed genres. This independence is the key to client satisfaction and will be seen even more further.

The advantages of Video Marketing are many more and thus, it is highly recommended for you to incorporate this marketing technique in your business promotion strategy. Video Marketing is really taking the online business promotion to a different level and slowly this is going to become the de facto of online business promotion for sure.


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