Ecommerce Web Design Tips For Improved Conversions


In today’s world of online retail, the growth of your online stores depends on many things. One of the most critical aspects is how your website looks and works. The way your website is built has a big effect on how people experience it.

And to tell you the truth, it also plays a massive part in getting people to buy your products. If your website’s design is old-fashioned, hard to figure out, or takes forever to load, you’re losing customers to other online stores.

In this blog, we will discuss some essential tips for designing your online store in a way that will help you achieve better conversion rates. 

What do you mean by conversion rate in ecommerce?

The conversion rate refers to the percentage of your website visitors who take a specific desired action. In most cases, this action is making a purchase. The conversion rate is a critical metric for any online store as it directly impacts your revenue and overall success.

Below are some conversions for ecommerce websites.

  • Purchase of products
  • Addition of products to the wishlist
  • Social media impressions
  • Email signups in exchange for free resources.
  • Click-through rate.
  • Bounce rates

A high conversion rate is good news because it means your website is doing a great job at encouraging people to make a purchase. But if your conversion rate is low, it’s a sign that there’s room for improvement in how your website works.

How to calculate conversion rates?

Calculating conversion rates is quite simple! It’s like figuring out how well your website turns visitors into customers. To do it, you need to know two things. One is the number of people who did the action you wanted, and the second is the total number of visitors to your website.

Here’s the basic formula:

Conversion Rate = (Number of People Who Took the Action / Total Number of Visitors) x 100

For example, if 200 people out of 1,000 visitors to your website made a purchase, you can calculate the conversion rate as follows:

Conversion Rate = (200 / 1,000) x 100 = 20%

So, your conversion rate is 20%. This means that out of all the people who visited your site, 20% of them made a purchase.

18 ways to enhance your ecommerce conversion rates

1. Offer discounts:

One of the most effective ways to boost your ecommerce conversion rates is by offering discounts to your customers. Everyone loves a good deal, and discounts can be a powerful incentive to encourage visitors to become paying customers. 

Here’s how you can make the most of this strategy:

  • Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency by providing time-limited discounts. Phrases like “Limited-time offer” or “Today only” can prompt customers to decide quickly.
  • Percentage Discounts: Offering a percentage discount, such as 10% off or 20% off, is a simple way to attract priceconscious shoppers.
  • Dollar Amount Discounts: You can also provide fixed dollar amount discounts, like $10 off or $50 off, which can be more compelling for higher-priced items.
  • Bundle Deals: Encourage customers to buy more by offering bundle deals. For instance, “Buy two, get one 50% off” or “Complete the set and save 15%.”

2. Provide free delivery option:

Offering free delivery is a powerful incentive to boost your ecommerce conversion rates. Customers love to see the words “free shipping” when they shop online. Here’s why it’s so effective:

  • Reduces Cart Abandonment
  • Attracts More Shoppers
  • Upselling Opportunity
  • Competitive Edge

3. Make your prices competitive:

When it comes to ecommerce, price is a major player in the decision-making process of online shoppers. To enhance your ecommerce conversion rates, ensuring competitive pricing is essential. Here’s how:

  • Market Research: Regularly monitor and research your competitors’ prices. Understand the price ranges for products similar to what you offer. This knowledge will help you stay competitive in the market.
  • Price Matching: Implement a price matching strategy to adjust your prices to match or beat your competitors for the same products.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Explore dynamic pricing strategies, adjusting your prices based on real-time market demand, inventory levels, or customer segmentation.

4. Put high-quality images and videos on your product pages:

One of the most powerful ways to enhance your ecommerce conversion rates is by investing in high-quality images and videos on your product pages.

In online shopping, customers rely on what they see to make purchasing decisions. Since they can’t physically touch or feel the products, compelling visuals become their touchpoint with your offerings. High-quality images and videos play an important role in conveying the essence, value, and features of your products.

5. Streamline and shorten the checkout process:

To boost your ecommerce conversion rates by simplifying and shortening the checkout process. Why? Because a long and complex checkout process can force potential customers to look for alternate options. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Guest Checkout Option: Offer the choice to check out as a guest. Many shoppers prefer this as it reduces the time and effort required.
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Steps: Review your checkout flow and delete any unnecessary steps or form fields.
  • Multiple Payment Options: Offer various payment options to cater to unique customer choices. Credit/debit cards, PayPal, digital wallets, and more should be available.
  • Security and Trust: Reassure customers about the security of their data. Display trust badges and security icons to build trust during the checkout process.

6. Use chatbots to assist users:

Chatbots have become invaluable tools for enhancing ecommerce conversion rates. These automated assistants can engage with website visitors in real-time. They can help your website visitors in the following ways:

  • Answers their questions
  • Provide product recommendations
  • Users through the buying process.

7. Protect your store with effective security measures:

When it comes to boosting your ecommerce conversion rates, one often ignores the security of your online store. However, this is one of the most critical aspects to ensure your visitors continue their action on your website. Customers need to trust that their sensitive information is safe when they engage and buy from your website.

You can implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to safeguard data transfer between your website and users. An SSL certificate ensures that your private information, such as credit card details, is encrypted and protected.

8. Create a smooth and natural structure for your website:

Your website’s structure is the foundation of the user experience. When visitors land on your online store, they should easily find their way around without feeling lost or confused.

A smooth and natural structure not only improves navigation but also increases the chances of visitors finding and buying the products they want. Here are some key elements to consider:

  • Clear Navigation Menus: Design clear and natural navigation menus that categorize your products logically.
  • User-Friendly Search: Implement a robust search function that helps users find products quickly.
  • Intuitive Product Organization: Organize products within categories and subcategories logically.
  • Effective Product Pages: Each product page should present information in a structured, easy-to-read format.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Breadcrumbs provide a clear path back to previous pages, making it easier to explore your product offerings.

9. Write a detailed product description page:

Your product description page is a critical element in your ecommerce website that can significantly influence your conversion rates. When customers visit your online store, they often rely on the product description page to make informed decisions about their purchase. Consider the following points when you write comprehensive product pages for your online store.

  • Be Comprehensive
  • Use High-Quality Images
  • Highlight Benefits
  • Keywords for SEO
  • Address Potential Concerns

10. Display product reviews:

Product reviews are a powerful tool for boosting trust and credibility in your ecommerce store. Many customers rely on the experiences and opinions of others to make informed purchase decisions.

By displaying product reviews on your product pages, you provide potential customers with valuable insights and social proof, which can impact their buying choices.

11. Offer a flexible product return policy:

A lenient return policy demonstrates your confidence in the quality of your products. Customers are more inclined to make a purchase when they have the assurance that returning an item will be a hassle-free process.

Trust is a significant factor in ecommerce. When shoppers know they can return a product, they will be inspired to make a purchase.

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12. Optimize your online store for mobile use:

Mobile shopping is on the rise, and many of your potential customers will browse and make purchases through their mobile devices.

If your website is not mobile-friendly, you risk losing these valuable customers to competitors. Below are ways you can provide a seamless experience mobile experience for your visitors.

How to do it:

  • Use a responsive web design: This ensures that your website automatically adapts to various screen sizes and orientations.
  • Test on various devices: Make sure your website looks and functions well on a range of mobile devices, including different models and screen sizes.
  • Optimize loading speed: Mobile users have less patience for slow-loading pages, so ensure your website loads quickly on mobile devices.
  • Simplify navigation: Make it easy for mobile users to find products and complete purchases with clear menus and search options.
  • Ensure touch-friendly buttons and links: Buttons should be large enough for touch, and links should be easy to tap without accidentally clicking on something else.

13. Provide valuable content:

In ecommerce, the phrase “content is king” holds true. Quality content attracts your target audiences and also keeps them engaged in your offerings. This, in turn, enhances the instances of conversions. You can write the following content to educate your website’s visitors about your products.

  • Blogs
  • Landing pages
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Email newsletters
  • E-books
  • User-generated content

14. Email marketing:

Email marketing is a powerful tool to boost your ecommerce conversion rates.

Split your email list into parts based on user behaviour, choices, and demographics. This allows you to send personalized and related content to each group, which increases the chances of conversions.

15. Strategically use CTAs on your web pages:

CTAs are those buttons or links that prompt visitors to take certain actions, such as “Purchase Now,” “Register,” or “Get Started.” They should stand out and convey what the next step is. You can consider the following points to create a better CTA strategy.

  • Display your CTAs where they can’t be missed by visitors.
  • Make sure your CTAs have eye-catching colours that contrast with your website’s colour scheme.
  • The text on your CTAs should be action-oriented. Instead of a bland “Click Here,” use phrases like “Shop Now,” “Get Your Discount,” or “Join the Club.”
  • Your CTAs should be big enough to grab attention but not so big that they dominate the page.

16. State why your product is different from others:

Your Unique Selling Proposition is what sets your product apart. It can be a unique feature, better quality, a desired price, or kind customer service.

Clearly define your USP and display it on your website. When customers understand what makes your product unique, they’re more likely to convert.

Explain how your product solves problems or fulfills needs better than others. Focus on the benefits it brings to the customer’s life. It can be saving time and money or offering a one-of-a-kind experience to potential customers. Moreover, ensure these benefits are crystal clear in your website’s content.

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17. Pay attention to grammatical and spelling errors:

When your website is free from errors, it presents a professional image to your target visitors. It shows that you pay attention to detail and care about the quality of your content, which can instill confidence in your customers.

In addition to this, Search engines like Google favour websites with high-quality, error-free content. Clean content can boost your SEO rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find your website and engage.

18. Provide a robust search and filter option:

In today’s time, customers often know exactly what they want, and they want to find it quickly and easily. That’s where a robust search and filter option comes into play.

When visitors can effortlessly search for products and refine their choices, it can significantly improve their shopping experience and, in turn, increase conversion rates.

Final Words!!

In ecommerce, improving conversion rates is crucial for growth and success. We’ve shared 18 tips to help you. Adapt them to your unique needs and keep refining your website. By turning visitors into customers, you’ll boost sales and create a thriving ecommerce business.

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