What is a 422 Status Code?

What is a 422 Status Code

A 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP status code indicates that the server understands the format of the incoming data (e.g., JSON, XML) but cannot process its content due to semantic errors. It’s akin to sending a letter with the correct address but unintelligible content.

For example: Filling out an online form. If you leave required fields empty or input incorrect information, you might encounter a 422 error. The system knows what kind of data it expects, but the information you provided doesn’t fit the bill.

This error code essentially means the server understood the format of your request but couldn’t process the content due to missing or incorrect information.

http 422 error code


Common Causes of a 422 Error

1. Validation Errors

The provided data doesn’t match expected formats or constraints. For instance, a missing required field in a JSON object, or an invalid email address format. This is like forgetting to include your address on an online order.

Understanding Validation Errors with Code Examples

Assuming Python, Flask, and JSON:


from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def validate_name(name):

  if not name or not isinstance(name, str):

    return False

  return True

@app.route(‘/users’, methods=[‘POST’])

def create_user():

  data = request.get_json()

  name = data.get(‘name’)

  if not validate_name(name):

    return jsonify({‘error’: ‘Invalid name’}), 422

  # … other validations and logic …

  return jsonify({‘message’: ‘User created successfully’}), 201


  • The validate_name function checks if the name is present and is a string.
  • If the validation fails, a 422 status code is returned with an error message.



const express = require(‘express’);

const app = express();


app.post(‘/users’, (req, res) => {

  const { name } = req.body;

  if (!name || typeof name !== ‘string’) {

    return res.status(422).json({ error: ‘Invalid name’ });


  // … other validations and logic …

  res.status(201).json({ message: ‘User created successfully’ });



  • The code directly checks if name exists and is a string.
  • If the validation fails, a 422 status code is returned with an error message.

2. Business Logic Errors

The data violates application rules. Trying to order a product that’s out of stock, or transferring funds beyond your account balance are examples. This is similar to ordering a pizza that’s not on the menu.

Example: Out-of-Stock Product


from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

app = Flask(__name__)

products = {

    “product1”: 10,

    “product2”: 5


def check_stock(product_id):

    if product_id not in products or products[product_id] <= 0:

        return False

    return True

@app.route(‘/order’, methods=[‘POST’])

def place_order():

    data = request.get_json()

    product_id = data.get(‘product_id’)

    if not check_stock(product_id):

        return jsonify({‘error’: ‘Product is out of stock’}), 422

    # Assuming other order processing logic here…

    return jsonify({‘message’: ‘Order placed successfully’}), 201


  • A dictionary products simulates product inventory.
  • The check_stock function verifies if the product exists and has available stock.
  • The place_order endpoint checks the product’s availability before proceeding with the order.

Example: Insufficient Funds


from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

app = Flask(__name__)

users = {

    “user1”: 100,

    “user2”: 50


def check_balance(user_id, amount):

    if user_id not in users or users[user_id] < amount:

        return False

    return True

@app.route(‘/transfer’, methods=[‘POST’])

def transfer_funds():

    data = request.get_json()

    sender_id = data.get(‘sender_id’)

    recipient_id = data.get(‘recipient_id’)

    amount = data.get(‘amount’)

    if not check_balance(sender_id, amount):

        return jsonify({‘error’: ‘Insufficient funds’}), 422

    # Assuming other transfer logic here…

    return jsonify({‘message’: ‘Transfer successful’}), 200


  • A dictionary users simulates user balances.
  • The check_balance function verifies if the user has sufficient funds.
  • The transfer_funds endpoint checks the sender’s balance before proceeding with the transfer.

3. Data Consistency Issues

The data conflicts with existing information. Imagine trying to link a bank account to your profile that already belongs to another user.

Example: Linking a Bank Account to a User


from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

app = Flask(__name__)

users = {

    “user1”: {“id”: 1, “bank_account”: None},

    “user2”: {“id”: 2, “bank_account”: None}


bank_accounts = {

    “account1”: {“id”: 1, “user_id”: None},

    “account2”: {“id”: 2, “user_id”: None}


def link_bank_account(user_id, account_id):

    user = users.get(f”user{user_id}”)

    account = bank_accounts.get(f”account{account_id}”)

    if not user or not account:

        return False, “User or account not found”

    if user[“bank_account”] or account[“user_id”]:

        return False, “Account already linked or user already has an account”

    user[“bank_account”] = account_id

    account[“user_id”] = user_id

    return True, “Account linked successfully”

@app.route(‘/link_account’, methods=[‘POST’])

def link_account():

    data = request.get_json()

    user_id = data.get(‘user_id’)

    account_id = data.get(‘account_id’)

    success, message = link_bank_account(user_id, account_id)

    if not success:

        return jsonify({‘error’: message}), 422

    return jsonify({‘message’: ‘Account linked successfully’}), 200



  • The code simulates a simple system with users and bank accounts.
  • The link_bank_account function checks if both user and account exist.
  • It then verifies if either the user already has a linked account or the account is already linked to another user.
  • If there’s a consistency issue, it returns False and an appropriate error message.
  • Otherwise, it links the account to the user and returns success.

How to fix a 422 status code?

Before figuring out solutions, it is important to understand the issue, it’s crucial to understand the specific context of your 422 error:

  • Where are you encountering the error? (Website, API, application)
  • What action were you performing? (Submitting a form, making a purchase, etc.)
  • What is the exact error message? (If any)
  • Are you using any specific tools or frameworks? (WordPress, React, etc.)

General Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check Your Input Data:
  • Ensure all required fields are filled correctly.
  • Verify data formats (numbers, dates, etc.) match the expected format.
  • Double-check for typos or extra spaces.

  2. Review Business Rules:

  • Understand the specific rules governing the action you’re trying to perform.
  • Ensure your request complies with these rules (e.g., product availability, account balance).

  3. Inspect Server-Side Errors:

  • If possible, check server logs for detailed error messages.
  • Look for specific clues about the issue.

  4. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies:

  • Sometimes, outdated cached data can cause conflicts. Clearing your browser cache and cookies might resolve the issue.

  5. Try a Different Browser or Device:

  • Test if the issue is specific to your browser or device.

Specific Scenarios


  • Repair the database using the WordPress tool.
  • Deactivate plugins one by one to identify conflicts.
  • Check for plugin or theme updates.

API Calls

  • Inspect the request body for correct data format and content.
  • Verify API documentation for specific requirements.
  • Test with different data to isolate the problem.

How to Check for 422 Status Codes

A 422 http status code indicates that your server understands the request format but can’t process the content. Identifying and fixing these errors is crucial for optimal website performance.  

Here are some tools to help you check for 422 status codes:

Online Tools:

httpstatus.io: Quickly check individual URLs or bulk-check multiple links for various status codes, including 422.

Link: https://httpstatus.io/

PEMAVOR: Offers a user-friendly interface for checking multiple URLs and provides clear results for different status codes.

Link: https://pemavor.com/

Sitechecker: Provides comprehensive website analysis including status code checks, helping you identify 422 errors and other potential issues.

Link: https://sitechecker.pro/

Comprehensive Website Crawler:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider: This powerful tool not only checks for 422 errors but also provides a wealth of other SEO data.

Link: https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/


Well…..encountering a 422 status code can be super-frustrating. Understanding its root causes is the first step to resolving the issue. What should you do? Carefully examine your input data, comprehend with business rules, and inspect server-side errors, you can effectively troubleshoot and rectify the problem.

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